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    Achieve It! 2.0 Review

    Posted: 27 June 2005

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    Software Author:   PocketPC Addict
    Product: Achieve-IT! 2.0
    Cost: $29.95
    Reviewed By: Tim Hillebrand

    Achieve-IT!, as the name implies, is goal-setting software. It’s axiomatic that if you don’t commit your goals to clearly defined statements in writing and review them often, you probably won’t attain them. Achieve-IT! is the perfect tool for defining your goals, committing them in writing, and brainstorming the steps to accomplishing them. This software should be in the Pocket PC of anyone who is motivated or needs motivation to set goals and reach them.

    Installation and Setup

    Download and installation is quick and easy, if you wish to install the program in main memory, but you must use a PC to do it. Of you wish to install it on a storage card, you must run the program twice; once to install the components in main memory, and once to install the program on the storage card. I always appreciate it when there is also a CAB file available in case you are on the road going it alone without a monster mother ship.

    In the settings option, you may select the background and font colors you wish, select or unselect the daily quotation, and set goal mode to brainstorm or basic. The difference is that the brainstorm mode is designed for first time users with hints and suggestions, while the basic mode is for experienced users and faster entry.

    Under the file tab, you can delete the database, enable and choose various sounds such as ocean, fireplace, rain, rainforest, which is pretty cool.

    Upon opening the program a “Quote of the Day” [see capture above] appears, which should be “Quotation” because “quote” is a verb, not a noun. This is a nice device to pump you up and get you in the correct frame of mind for achievement. You may read more quotations if you wish, and you can add your own pithy prose. Three different, additional quotation packs are available that may be downloaded free.

    Setting Goals

    Closing the “Quote” screen reveals a blank page titled My Goal List. Along the left margin appear the following icons: Vision, Order, Refine, Plan, Define, Help. Along the bottom are five more icons representing the following categories: personal, financial, family, and spiritual. The last icon in the form of a clipboard is a master list of your goals.

    The first step is jot down your visions in rough draft form not worrying about punctuation, spelling, nor grammar, just get them down. You will have an opportunity to define, refine, and reorder them later. However, you must make a list of visions to activate the process, or the subsequent screens will remain blank.

    When you have finished listing your goals or visions for each category, you may rearrange their order at any time using the Order icon.

    Invoking the Refine function brings up three tabs at the bottom: Refine Goals, Expand Vision, and Pitfalls. Now is the time to edit your goals making them as clear and succinct as possible and not too lofty. Little steps are important in getting to a major goal.

    Tapping the Expand Vision tab allows you to enumerate the benefits you will experience when a goal is achieved. The Pitfalls button allows you to voice the problems you anticipate along the way, which in turn suggests new goals in overcoming any road hazards.

    A goal is not a goal unless it is set in a time frame for achievement. Goals without a date for completion are just pipedreams and will probably never be attained. Tapping Plan will give you the opportunity to associate a date for accomplishment with each goal or vision.

    Under Define, you will enumerate the steps you will need to take to accomplish a particular goal. Any more than a half dozen or so steps may suggest another embedded goal that should be broken out as a separate entity.

    The Help icon brings up an excellent help menu explaining each step of the program and giving helpful hints and strategies for making your dreams come true.


    In version 1.0, the developer only four broad categories of goals: Personal, Financial, Family, and Spiritual. The categories have been expanded in version 2.0 to include 5 new, additional goals: career, leisure, relationship, health, and stuff. Stuff would cover things like getting a new Smartphone and Bluetooth keyboard.


    In version 1.0, the developer only four broad categories of goals: Personal, Financial, Family, and Spiritual. The categories have been expanded in version 2.0 to include 5 new, additional goals: career, leisure, relationship, health, and stuff. Stuff would cover things like getting a new Smartphone and Bluetooth keyboard.

    It could also be argued that this program is just way too simple compared to complex project-management programs that must account for a myriad of interacting functions, tasks, assignments, and elements. But, I don’t think that was the intention of the author, for there are many good project management programs available out there. This program is intended to be used on the personal development level, and I think it accomplishes that purpose with grace and ease, for, clearly, a great deal of thought has gone into the design and development of this application.

    The Clipboard tab at the bottom of the screen brings up a screen that lists all the goals you have set in all categories. Tapping on a goal brings up a summary screen pertaining to that goal showing the benefits, steps to completion, and potential pitfalls. Unfortunately, you may not edit the text in this view; you must go to the refine module.

    One of the things I enjoy about completing To Do lists is checking off the items as they are completed. The accomplishments module in Achieve-IT!! allows you to check off items as they are realized and keeps a viewable record to make you feel good about what you’ve accomplished.


    There are some additional elements that I would like to see incorporated into a future version of Achieve-IT!. The first thing would be an optional CAB file for installation. The opening screen is inspiring, but it should correctly say “Quotation,” not “Quote.” The help file is welcome and helpful, but could certainly use some editing. While the four categories are broadly comprehensive, I would like to be able to add my own categories. It would be more convenient if you could edit entries in every view instead of having to return to the module in which they were created.

    In future editions I would also like to see a companion desktop version of this application that could by synced back and forth. It could be an optional extra add-on for purchase separately and an additional profit center for the developer. In the meantime, I have a couple of ways around tediously tapping in the text. I simply use my ThinkOutside Bluetooth wireless keyboard when I’m away from my desktop or laptop. When my PPC is docked, I use Soti’s Pocket Controller, which brings up my PPC screen for imputing with my PC keyboard.

    For those who may carry both a Smartphone and a Pocket PC or who have migrated completely to the Smarphone, I urge the developer to offer a Smartphone version as well.

    Please don’t infer from my wish list that I am not enchanted with the program. I recommend it highly as a valuable tool for creating, defining, and accomplishing your goals. Being without Achieve-IT! on your PPC is like leaving the oasis for the next waterhole without a camel.

    Where Can You Get You Copy?

    You can purchase and download your copy at PocketPC Addict.

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